A Website Redesign To Help Your Brand Stand Out From The Competition

Idea Marketing Group is a boutique marketing agency that has helped hundreds of businesses succeed online since 2009. We take pride in our small and mighty team that understands your concerns, communicates effectively, doesn’t treat you like a number, and goes all out to meet your customized needs.

CPG Website Design

Better User Experience, More Leads, and Improved Functionality

We know for a fact that a targeted website presence is key to elevating businesses to the next level. With the Internet’s increasing popularity, people are increasingly relying on websites to address their needs. Stale websites that rarely get updated immediately lose the interest of modern and tech-savvy web surfers. Likewise, websites that are not SEO optimized lose the capacity to attract qualified leads directly to your products and services.

By not investing in a website redesign, you may be missing out on business growth opportunities for years to come.

How to know whether you need a website redesign

  • Has the text on your website been updated within the last 6 months?
  • Have you introduced a new product or service that is not listed on your website?
  • Can you tell someone without hesitation that your website is a good representation of your business?
  • Does your website match your current marketing pieces?
  • Does your website load slowly and do all the technical functions work optimally?
  • Is your website visitor rate very low?
  • Do you look at your competitors’ websites and wish yours looked a bit like theirs?

The benefits of a website redesign can last for years

An optimized website can:

  • Make your life more efficient
  • Be an inbound sales tool for internet-based sales
  • Drive new traffic into your brick and mortar business
  • Support your sales efforts as an online portfolio or educational tool
Website Redesign

What to keep in mind before you redesign your website

Oftentimes, it is quite overwhelming to look at how big and outdated your website has become. Take a deep breath, and know that at the end of this process, your website is going to be fabulous!

Rather than thinking about what is on your current site and how you should display that, consider what is important and focus on that first. Make sure to always keep in mind your users’ experience and how things will appear from their perspective. Lead with targeted calls to action and the most valuable information. Finally, supplement the major parts of the site with supportive content that tells a story of who you are and how you can solve your prospects’ pain points.

Remember to think in terms of the big picture and long-term goals. Consider your organization’s 5-year plan and strategize to redesign your website for that time frame.


Finding a Balm Solution With a Top Digital Marketing Agency

The Carmex brand has been an American staple for many years, and as the CPG brand continues to grow they needed brand manager support and tools to fix some of the website issues they were encountering.

With a variety of issues affecting their website, and of course the overall brand performance, they turned to the CPG manufacturing web design and digital marketing experts at Idea. They relied on our experienced manufacturing web design team for assistance with the following issues:

Reduced Brand Manager Support Capabilities

Any successful CPG brand needs the right Brand Manager support and tools, and a huge part of their toolkit is the website. A website that is difficult to manage, or update, can spell trouble for the brand. In this case, Carmex’s brand managers didn’t have the support they need to make changes to the website. Essentially any website updates, like website information, graphics, product pages, and more, were made virtually impossible because of the difficult back-end management. Without fixing their website, the Carmex team would be unable to add or feature new products, a major problem for the brand.

The limited website management was a direct result of previous website partners using bad code and other poor design choices. This led to decreasing control for the Carmex brand management team over time.

Poor Website Functionality = Poor User Experience

A website’s functionality is incredibly important to the user experience. If there are bugs or broken functionality on the website, then your target audience is likely to bounce.

With numerous bugs and poor functionality, the Carmex website was not providing the great user experience that one would expect from such a top-rated consumer goods brand. These issues were leading to decreased performance for the CPG brand website.

One of the worst issues was the slow website load speeds that users were experiencing, which was only getting worse with each website addition.

Mobile Optimization Wasn’t a Priority

Their previous website was not built with a mobile-first mindset, which means their website was not optimized for mobile users’ experience. With mobile user numbers increasing each year, this is a major issue for many top CPG brands.

Mobile optimization was one of the first problems we discussed during our brand manager support meeting. Making sure that users had a uniform experience, whether on mobile, tablet, or desktop was sorely needed. Everything on the website needed to load and function properly across devices, which was not currently happening.


A New CPG Website That Assisted with Brand Manager Support

Due to the scope of issues plaguing the Carmex website, we presented a website redesign proposal that would address all the previously mentioned problems. Small updates or website support options would not accomplish enough to meet our client goals.

Our team of custom web design experts would rebuild the entire Carmex website and address the issues that they had shared with us, along with some additional improvements we recommended.

Brand Manager Support Through Improved Control of the CPG Website

First, our team tackled addressing the issue of limited brand manager support opportunities due to poor website management capabilities.

Our team of top manufacturing web design experts got to work removing faulty code and functionality that were causing website errors. Now the brand managers would be able to update the website menu, add products and make other website adjustments as needed. This allowed for better brand manager support when it was needed.

One other issue with form submissions was resolved by integrating Zoho forms, which automatically categorizes submitted forms correctly. This integration greatly reduced the workload on the Carmex website brand management team.


Custom Web Design

Fixing Broken Functionality For Faster Website Load Speeds And A Better User Experience

While fixing the backend bugs our manufacturing web design team also worked to update website processes. Outdated transitions and features that were slowing the website down were removed in favor of clean modern navigation styles. Now, the website would have lightning-fast load speeds, and they wouldn’t be slowed down by future website additions. The new Carmex website load speed score was in the 90-100 range on Google Page Insights. This was a desktop load speed increase of over 40%.

Users would no longer be frustrated by pages that took extra seconds to load or failed to load at all. Now every page on the Carmex website would load quickly and correctly for their target audience.

Optimizing Their CPG website for Mobile Users

The new website was built with a mobile-first mindset, which means the new Carmex website would load correctly on mobile, tablet, and desktop. The design would change based on screen size but there would be no sacrifice in the functionality or content. The new Carmex website’s mobile page speed increased by 148%!

By optimizing for mobile, the new website would be able to reach an even larger audience and drive even more engagement and conversion. This is a major factor missing in most manufacturing web design projects.

Using Modern Manufacturing Web Design to Create a Standout Website

The new website featured a completely new web design that focused on the user experience and promoting the brand’s most valuable products. We incorporated the Carmex style into a stunning new modern CPG web design that users would love.

It features classic brand colors and highlights product offerings with a modern content carousel layout. A clear main menu is pinned at the top of the page with various topics that may interest site visitors. Upon hovering on menu options a drop-down menu appears with further subcategories. A small sub-menu rests above the pinned main menu with contact options, FAQs, international info, and language options.

The new Carmex website features modern manufacturing web design features and content that supports its image as a family-owned brand. Strategic use of the brand colors helps draw user attention to highlighted information or CTAs.

For example, on the home page, a bright red Shop Now button is pinned to the lower left corner of the screen. And on the history page, red typography for the timeline events showcase the legacy of an established brand. At the bottom of the page, a bright red button reading “Sign Me Up” pushes users to join the Carmex newsletter.

In addition, our team implemented language translators so that audiences around the world would be able to experience their new CPG web design.


Building SEO with an Integrated Web Strategy for the New CPG Website

With all our custom web design websites our team ensures that the client’s new website will meet best SEO practices. We research the most valuable keywords for our clients and evaluate what keywords are currently ranking. Once we’ve identified tangible SEO opportunities, our team uses these phrases both technically and organically across the website content.

We make sure that the website’s meta tags, titles, alt tags, and more align with their SEO priority keywords. Across distinct pages, our team targets specific phrases to help improve those page rankings.

While CPG brands do not focus on SEO as much as other industries, it is still an important element of a website quality score and will help drive more traffic to the website.

Analysis Reports

Providing Monthly In-Depth Analysis to Assist Brand Managers

The final piece of brand manager support that we provided was in the form of monthly in-depth analysis reports. These deep-dive reports help brand managers determine where there are opportunities for improvement, and where the website is succeeding.

Essentially, these provide a high-level analysis that’s broken down into an easily understandable report that can be presented to the executive or leadership team to help them better understand overall website performance from audiences, onsite behavior, new user acquisition, and more!

Website Support

Providing Continued Website Support with Brand Managers

As part of this redesign project, we worked with the Carmex team to educate them on using the new website now that its management had been simplified. With the new backend the Carmex brand manager support team would be able to make edits and updates as needed, something they hadn’t been able to do previously. The team was more firmly in control of their website and when they needed assistance or experienced issues they now had an expert web design team they could rely on for ongoing website support and maintenance.

As an Idea client Carmex has direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. She is always happy to answer any questions or concerns that arise. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create training videos to help Carmex better manage its website. Our dedication to supporting our clients keeps them confident in managing their sites and less reliant on third-party support.


Continue to Develop Suddenly Salad’s Market Position Through Custom Web Design

Suddenly Salad has an impressive heritage. By positioning themselves to families and having done so for many years, Suddenly has been able to develop extremely loyal customers. In a current market climate where brand loyalty is becoming increasingly rare, it is imperative for Suddenly to keep its current foundation while trying to add to it as much as possible.

However, with the previous website Suddenly felt that it wasn’t generating the awareness and brand loyalty that it could. That, combined with user navigation and lack of recipe page promotions was costing them valuable conversion opportunities. Other issues like website page load speed and difficulty of website management were holding the brand back.

Suddenly’s goal was to utilize a CPG website redesign to further expand their brand awareness and loyalty. By educating consumers on the convenience and innovativeness of Suddenly Salad products and recipes, Suddenly Salad can continue to remain competitive and work to gain new website visitors that also have the potential to become loyal, repeat customers.

With their website being an integral part of reaching bigger audiences, another main objective of the new custom web design was to simplify the user journey. Not only does user experience impact your website ranking but it also can hinder interested consumers. As stated before, buyer journeys, needs, and expectations are becoming increasingly difficult. More difficulty means it can be easy to lose a potential sale to another competitor.

Making sure your overall website architecture and functionality are easy to use creates less internal friction in the consumer and a more positive association with your site, therefore allowing the consumer to feel safer in making a conversion. The more positive the perspective of your company and product becomes, the better the chance of creating brand-loyal consumers.

Going hand-in-hand with improved website navigation was the goal of increased usability of the product listing page. The product is what Suddenly has to offer. Focusing on driving as much traffic as possible here only increases the probability of a sale, click, page visit, or form submission. All provide tangible value to Suddenly Salad.


Creating a Custom Web Design to Improve User Experience

With Idea’s team designing a custom filtering system, the recipes could get Suddenly’s product information more directly to customers.

Paired with the search, this allows Suddenly to collect important information on what visitors are looking for. Recipes can be sorted into 4 main categories: Suddenly Product, Protein, Flavor Profile, and Vegetable. The website allows Suddenly to quickly shift with a consumer’s current focus, be prepared for future ones, and easily have a system established for introducing new products in the future.

For Suddenly’s new website redesign, Idea wanted to make sure to focus on optimizing its mobile website framework. With an extremely low mobile score to start, this needed to be remedied in order to compete and remain up-to-date with current consumer website needs. Our website repairs and mobile-focused design integrations fixed the current performance issues to provide a more streamlined user experience.


Creating an Integrated Web Strategy with SEO + Custom Web Design

Our team of digital marketing experts also combine the best SEO practices when redesigning the website as part of our integrated web strategy. This ensures that Suddenly Salad’s website redesign was ready to rank higher. All keywords, meta descriptions, alt tags, titles, headers, and more were thoroughly researched in order to allow Suddenly the best search result position.

Choosing a top digital marketing agency is a big decision for any company. Wasted time and effort not only cost you money but impact the longevity and association of your brand. Making sure to choose the right full-service digital marketing services company that fits your exact needs is the key. With Idea, our range of services and professional, yet personal, touch can make sure that your website is one of our business’s greatest assets!

Google Ads

Managing an Optimized Google Ads Campaign to Drive Website Traffic

To help promote the launch of the CPG custom web design for Suddenly Salad, our client requested that we set up and manage a Google Ads campaign. The main objective for this ad campaign would be to drive as much traffic as possible within their click budget to the new Suddenly website.

Since our main goal was to increase website traffic our team of Google Ads experts chose to create a Google Search Ads campaign. Our team leveraged our knowledge of best practices and various optimization strategies to build an ad campaign that would drive high-value clicks from within the target audience for Suddenly Salad.

Suddenly Salad’s search ad campaign was launched on April 16th, and we began to see positive results almost immediately. In the first 15 days of the ad campaign, we were driving hundreds of users to the new Suddenly website. Typically, we advise that Google Ad campaigns take time to reach maximum optimization. We usually recommended allowing the campaign 3 months before expecting to see the best results. Yet, with our layered targeting strategy and expert ad setup, our campaign was driving results that met our client’s objective in the first couple of weeks.

Suddenly Salads CPG Google Ads Campaign Results

Our campaign resulted in a Click-Through-Rate (CTR) of 9.31% within the first 15 days after launch. Usually, our standard benchmark for campaign performance is a 3% or higher CTR. This campaign performed at 6% over the typical rate in the first few days. The Suddenly campaign was also achieving a desirable Cost Per Click (CPC) of $1.97 which is very low on average. In total, the campaign was also achieving nearly high impressions (people who see the ad).

We also looked into our client’s Google Analytics to get more metrics to measure our ad campaign’s impact on website traffic. For the first 15 days of the campaign, the Suddenly CPG website saw 136% more users (directly from the PPC ads) than the 15-day period before (April 1 – 15th).

Website Support

Committed To Developing Confident Clients and Well Designed Websites

With Suddenly Salad requiring a totally new look, this custom CPG website redesign was updated from top to bottom by both our experienced development and marketing teams. The new site allows consistency throughout all navigation to enhance the user experience. With the design allowing for efficiency, each page was also optimized for SEO. The SEO Yoast plug-in was installed to allow back-end users to able to easily monitor current pages’ SEO scores and adjust as needed.

Through improved forms, CTAs, and site coding, Idea was able to funnel all website traffic conversion data. Suddenly is able to easily extract this information and collect it to further analyze website trends in real-time.

While navigating your website redesign can seem like a whole new world, our account management program makes sure you get the level of technical support needed. Client satisfaction is always a chief priority, and that doesn’t end once the website is live. Our support manager continued to work with Suddenly Salad’s admin one-on-one to provide personalized tips, tricks, and important information for the future.

At Idea, we’ve become experts for a reason. We’re passionate about delivering the best because we know what it takes to reach that standard in CPG web design. With marketing, development, and support teams in-house, Idea was able to successfully design a website around Suddenly’s company goals.

Analytics Analysis

Brand Manager Tools Include User Behavior Website Analysis Reports

It’s no secret that the CPG market is incredibly saturated. With numerous, well-known brands on the shelf to distract consumers, it is harder than ever to stand out and get consumers to remain devoted to your brand. This gives CPG brand managers an incredibly difficult job. But instead of getting distracted by big logos and more shelf space, we find that golden nuggets of information are often overlooked in the fine details.

Data is everywhere. With so much information readily available, it can feel overwhelming trying to justify the time it takes to sift through it all. And as a brand manager or a marketing executive, you don’t have the time to do the deep dive yourself. So, let Idea do it for you with our in-depth brand management consulting.

User behavior analysis is becoming more and more imperative to the success of businesses, large and small. But each piece of data tells a story, just like your branding does. With Idea’s monthly reporting, Suddenly Salad is receiving consistent data that is customized to their unique CPG business goals. Part of their monthly reporting entails receiving heat mapping, showing where users are clicking the most. This gives insight into which are your most visited pages, what areas are people clicking, and what buttons are being effective. Constant review and critique of both your site design and SEO copy allows you into the mindset of a consumer and adjust your website to more accurately target them.

Our easy-to-understand analysis reports take a deep dive into the most important website metrics and identify opportunities and threats that brand managers need to know about.


Providing Better Brand Manager Tools to the Eagle Brand Team

As CPG web design experts, we frequently work as a brand management consultant. In this case, Eagle was searching for several key improvements to its website and online presence. The Eagle team wanted a new, user-oriented consumer goods website with an updated focus and brand messaging. The new focus of the website needed to better reflect what their target audience could do with their products. An updated and improved recipe page design would be the key factor in creating a new website that met these criteria.

In addition to the updated website focus and recipe section overhaul, Eagle also wanted to make sure that the new custom WordPress website was user-friendly, with an emphasis on the user experience. The new Eagle Brand website needed to be easily navigable for its user demographic. A clean clear menu that allowed users to quickly and easily find what they were looking for was essential.

Capturing Mobile Traffic Was a Key Element in the Website Redesign Proposal

The CPG web design would also need to take into account the shift in user behavior. While desktop computers still make up a large portion of internet traffic, mobile has grown into a significant portion of search traffic. Mobile users also represent a key opportunity for consumer goods brands, as many users search on mobile devices while they are in the store searching for a product to buy. Eagle Brand’s new website needed to be mobile-friendly in order to capture this new segment of market traffic.

Finally, the website would need to be more manageable for the Eagle Brand team. The new website would be built so that it would be easy for their team to manage, and make updates as needed. For example, with the previous website, Eagle’s team struggled to update information and images to reflect seasonal changes or product highlights. To increase their control over the website these issues needed to be addressed when we crafted our integrated web strategy.


Improving the User Flow for Eagle Brand’s Consumer Goods Web Design

Our Chicago web design team understood that a core goal of this project was updating the messaging across the Eagle Brand website to adjust the focus. The new Eagle Brand website would need to feature more emphasis on recipes and baked goods made using their products. Attractive images would be featured prominently across the website pages with a distinct Call-to-Action that leads customers to products or recipes.

The top menu bar would also need to be reorganized to place special emphasis on their recipe pages and to provide clear navigation to other website sections. This would help improve the overall user flow of the website.

Custom Web Design

Better User Navigation, Site Manageability, and an Improved Recipe Page Section Through an Integrated Web Strategy

One of the main objectives of this custom web design was a complete overhaul of the website’s recipe pages. The entire website recipe section needed to be updated to reflect current user behavior and meet recipe page best practices. We created custom recipe pages that aligned with recipe page best practices, meaning they were easy to read, share, and find the products used within the recipes. Links take users directly to where they can purchase the product or find it locally.

Other new website features like categories allow users to better refine their searches and find options in the categories that were of interest to them. The new recipe section also featured collections, so users could browse by options like ‘5 ingredients or less”, “no bake”, or “holiday.” With the updated recipe sections the user search was simplified.

With the improved user flow, these pages would see much more engagement from their target audience. The new pages were also much easier to manage for the Eagle Brand team. Any updates or edits could be made quickly and with ease. Together each of these elements was a key factor in the integrated web strategy.

Custom Website Functionality

Creating a Custom Importer to Manage the Recipe Page Imports

For the new Eagle Brand website, there were hundreds of recipes that would need to be added. To add each recipe would take months to complete and be a major drain on time and resources for the Eagle team. To avoid this our team of web developers built a custom recipe importer to manage the recipe page imports. This custom functionality saved the Eagle time and effort in launching their new recipe pages.

Recipe Book Image for Custom Recipe Importer for Eagle Brand Foods

On the technical side, our Chicago web design team performed numerous upgrades to the website like our custom importer to manage the import of hundreds of unique recipes. The new website also allowed the Eagle team to easily make changes to the website images and text to keep up with their seasonal promotions and product highlights.

From a design point of view, our custom web design team created a unique consumer packaged goods website with updated messaging and focus that also simplified the user flow, allowing customers to easily find the products they were looking for. There was a complete overhaul of the website’s recipe section; creating and organizing recipe pages that were easily filterable. Each of the new website page load speeds was also improved by our team.

Creating an Online Recipe Box for Users to Save Favorite Recipes

We also created a custom functionality that served as a way for users to save recipes they wanted to view later in a section called “My Recipe Box.” This option was present within the menu header across the website so users could always find it easily.

Website Support

Ongoing Support for Our Client’s Custom WordPress Website

Eagle Brand continues to rely on the Idea Marketing group for website support in add-ons and updates for their custom WordPress website. Our client has direct access to our amazing Support Manager Haley Langer. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create add-ons and updates to help Eagle Brand stay the leading CPG brand for classic holiday recipes.

Our team trains our clients on obtaining the most value from their new custom WordPress website by educating them on how to use it to its full potential. This supports the Eagle Brand team as they easily manage their new website.

Idea Marketing Group

Free Website Redesign Checklist

Are you preparing for an upcoming website redesign? Maybe this is not your first rodeo or this will be your first website project. No matter your experience level, this checklist will help you prepare for your new website.

Website Redesign Planner

We Make Websites Into Experiences That Both People and Search Engines Love

At Idea, we have a proven success formula for custom web development that scrutinizes every detail of a build while envisioning how it will grow and evolve with time. You will never find any cookie-cutter templates here. Our team of web designers, content writers, and developers eat, breathe, and sleep websites to ensure that all of our clients’ websites turn into memorable customer experiences and marketing machines.

Our customized website design services include the following:

Website Strategy

Companies that want to improve or completely redesign their existing website should always start with a well-defined plan. Together, we will create a blueprint to be used for your website build.

  • Define Goal KPIs
  • Uncover Opportunities
  • Identify Solutions
  • Develop a Website Architecture
  • Build a Brand Board
  • Map Out User Journey
  • Perform Competitive Research

Website Content + SEO

We begin with in-depth research and planning before crafting search engine optimized copy for your website. We will simplify your visitor’s decision-making and improve call-to-action conversions.

  • Define Messaging Tone and Feel
  • Establish a Keyphrase SEO Strategy
  • Write Targeted Website Content
  • Identify Call To Action Messaging
  • Create Website Wireframes

CRM Integrations

We’ve worked with a variety of CRMs as well as different types of use cases. If there is an API, we have it covered or set help in creating an API as well as leverage Zapier.

  • Salesforce
  • Hubspot
  • Zoho
  • Pipedrive
  • SugarCRM
  • Microsoft Dynamics

Database Integrations

Simplify operations by connecting databases to populate content directly on your website. We can write scripts to import and handle a wide variety of data types and needs.

  • Product Catalogs
  • Specification Tables
  • Data Records
  • User Management
  • Cron Jobs for Automated Updates

Custom Built on WordPress

Where all of your marketing channels feed into. With a properly built website, you are reducing the spend needed on other channels resulting in long-term savings and improved opportunities to generate more revenue.

  • Responsive Layouts with UI/UX Best Practices
  • Completely Custom, No Poorly Made Templates
  • Code Optimization for Loading Speed
  • Usability Testing + Browser Compatibility
  • 1 on 1 Website Training

Website Support + Improvement

Websites, browsers, and user behavior is always changing. We provide plans to support website needs with routine maintenance as well as continuously improving websites to beat and stay ahead of the competition.

  • Website Support Plans
  • Managed Monthly Hosting
  • ADA Compliance + Monitoring
  • On-going Search Engine Optimization
  • Content Marketing
  • Paid Advertising

Idea Marketing has been our company’s website host for many years, and we are very pleased with their services.

‐ The Patio - Chicago Restaurant Group
The Patio Web Design Testimonial

Idea Marketing Group is truly an example of excellence. Great design, fast turnaround, friendly team – Bridgford loves Idea!

‐ Bridgford Foods - Chicago Food Manufacturer
Bridgford Website Design Testimonial

We appreciated the easy access we had to the owner as well as their knowledgeable and professional team.

‐ Weldstar - Chicago Welding Supplier
Weldstar Website Testimonial

Our Chicago restaurant group needed a complete website overhaul to match the new direction of our company.

‐ Phil Stefani Signature Restaurants - Chicago Restaurant Group
PSSR Website Testimonial
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FAQ about Website Redesign

Are you a Web Design Agency or a Marketing Agency?

Short answer, both. We like to refer to ourselves as a Web Agency. Meaning we work exclusively with websites. We work intimately with consumer goods and manufacturing brands to help them build, maintain, and market their websites. We focus on digital marketing, website development, website support, and security. All the really cool nerd stuff.

So we are not a full service marketing agency that dabbles in web development but instead, are 100% invested in websites. Then, we have a great network of referral partners that we can recommend for other things like social media, traditional marketing, PR, etc. Just ask.

Does website redesign affect SEO?

Yes, depending on the nature of the redesign, a website redesign can affect SEO either positively or negatively. For example, if the content on landing pages is changed, it can either be beneficial or detrimental to a business’ rankings depending on whether it is well optimized or not. 

A well-designed website can also affect SEO positively by keeping users engaged and decreasing visitation bounce rates. The more time users spend on a business’s website, the greater its SEO benefits. 

Likewise, a well-developed website will eliminate 404 error pages, optimize it for fast loading speed, and improve technical SEO issues that prevent the website from ranking higher. 

To understand which areas of your current website align with SEO best practices and which could be improved, it is recommended to study your analytics and user experience to build on what works and improve on what doesn’t.

How much does it cost to redesign a website?

Redesigning a website is a very individual process that varies from business to business. Depending on your business’s needs, you may choose to update your content/listings, design, website’s technical performance, or add lead generation tools to help you nurture your leads. 

Since website redesign is an a la carte process, the cost of website redesign is contingent on your business’s needs. At Idea, the cost of our complete website redesign starts at $34,500, whereas the cost of our individual, customized services is dependent on your website needs.

How much will a custom website cost?

We don’t have an exact answer for you, yet. Redesigning a website is a very individual process that varies from business to business. We also know that no one likes surprises when it comes to business. To help, we like to provide an estimate of what projects similar to yours have cost. Additional functionality or feature integrations could increase the range. This is why we start with the first 2 stages to define a detailed scope of work for the build.

  • Website Advisory Plan = $2,250
  • Website Strategy Roadmap = $7,750-$12,750
  • Content, Design, Development = initially estimated per project based on similar, previous builds

For a custom, professionally built website, you should expect to spend a minimum of $35,000 and some builds can even go over $100,000 due to the size and complexity of the build.

How often should I redesign my website?

At Idea, we believe that nearly 80% of the websites out there could benefit immensely from a website update or redesign. However, since every business is different and has an individual growth trajectory, there is no one-size-fits-all website redesign time frame that aligns to all businesses. 

The elements that increase the likelihood of a more frequent need for web redesign include businesses that:

  • Are new and rapidly evolving their service or product offerings
  • Have a large inventory of products and whose listings need frequent updates
  • Want to utilize SEO as part of their business growth strategy
  • Business that want to improve their user experience and visitor engagement rates
  • Lag behind their competitors in terms of website design, functionality, modern appeal, and engaging content
  • Want to improve their sales funnel by appealing to the user journey 
  • Desire to appeal to multiple audiences
  • Seek to change their business model and pricing

The mobile version of our website sucks, what can we do to make it better?

First thing, don’t feel bad. We hear that all the time. Most likely, the website was not designed or developed to be ‘mobile first’. Meaning it was probably only built as a desktop website and then mobile was an afterthought. Mobile first is when the mobile version of the website has priority over the desktop version of the website. You design on mobile and then adapt the elements for desktop.

We are a content first agency and determine the development approach we take based on the data we see in your analytics. If your audience is 50% mobile traffic, then a mobile first approach should most likely be applied to your project but your goals and needs also have to be factored into the decision.

What is missing from our website?

Hard to say at this point what features or functionality could be missing from your website. Every business has different needs and goals. This is why we do a deeper dive with each company we work with. Obvious pain points are typically the ability to make edits to the website on the fly, it is not mobile friendly, or it simply just looks old and out of date. Some deeper issues could be overall usability experience, employment application process, or product/article sorting and filtering. We will work with you to uncover opportunities within your website to grow and scale.

What is the average timeframe to build a website?

Our proven process has been continuously improved over many years of collaboration and best practices requiring each phase to be completed and approved before starting the next. We will schedule bi-weekly calls and ensure we’re on track with the project build.

Typically, the website timeframe from start to finish is about 5-7 months. The following are the stages that follow our website build:

Website Advisory Plan> Team Strategy Meeting> Define Goal KPIs> Uncover Pain Points> Website Recommendations + Solutions> Competitive SWOT Analysis10 Business Days
Branding + Content Strategy> Website Architecture> Target User Persona(s)> User Journeys> Brand Messaging / Voice> Keyphrase SEO Strategy> Define Scope of Work for the Website Build~1 Month
Website Build> Content> User Interface Designs> Frontend Website Development> Backend WordPress Development
> Launch and Final Testing
~3 – 6 Months
Included WordPress Training
> One-on-one or group training> WordPress training guide
> Typically plan for 60-90 minutes
After Launch

Where do we start with a website redesign and how long does it take?

We start with the Website Advisory Plan which is completed within 10 business days. Please anticipate up to 2 hours of time from pertinent members of your team to answer key determining questions either through video conference or remotely administered questionnaires. The Website Strategy Roadmap is delivered within 1-2 months. Typically, the total timeframe to build a custom website from start to finish is about 5-8 months.

Founded in 2009. Idea Marketing Group is a top Chicago web design agency that works intimately with consumer brands and manufacturers to help build, maintain, and market websites. See the award-winning work or a specific service like manufacturing web design.