B2B Web Design for Brands Invested in Digital

At Idea, we help consumer goods brands and industrial businesses reach more customers and generate more quality leads with custom-built websites that are paired with effective marketing strategies.

What is B2B web design?

B2B web design is a method of designing and optimizing a business website so that it nurtures and converts other businesses into customers. Unlike B2C websites that nurture individual leads to customers, B2B marketing is solely targeted to establish business-to-business relationships.

Essentially, business-to-business web design helps optimize a business’s website so that the business can attract other businesses by selling them key products or services. By understanding target businesses’ needs, an effective B2B web design speaks to their pain points by promoting services and products that will help them grow.

Top elements of B2B web design

  • A clear value proposition that speaks to businesses’ pain points
  • An effective lead capture, such as valuable lead magnet content
  • User-friendly web design that is easy to understand and navigate
  • Clear calls to action
  • Reviews and case studies that speak to business’s authority and trustworthiness
  • An SEO-optimized website copy that generates organic traffic

We specialize in website design for consumer goods and have the knowledge and experience to take your industrial brand to the next level!

B2B Web Design

How do we measure ROI on B2B web design projects?

We know that well-built websites are an investment for consumer brands. An investment that can make or break a company’s market budget and impact the overall revenue. This is why we don’t cut any corners and look at every detail. It is also critical to establish KPIs at the very beginning of every project that will act as a guiding point for the build and ensure that both the immediate goals as well as the long-term goals are being considered during the process.

Built from the ground up and customized to your business needs, your new WordPress website will load faster, be optimized for SEO and organic traffic generation, and provide a better overall experience for your users. For over a decade, we’re proud to have been a partner in success for hundreds of businesses.


Lack of SEO Optimization and Low Search Results Ranking

The first issue that Show Your Logo was experiencing is a common issue for many websites, the lack of SEO optimization and its negative impact on page ranking. When your site doesn’t appear on the first page of search results you’re potentially missing out on thousands of traffic clicks. Our client wanted a website that was optimized for search engine results and would get their page in front of a larger audience. Show Your Logo needed a comprehensive SEO strategy.

A Poor Website Experience for Users

Another issue that Show Your Logo discussed with our team of custom web design experts was the overall experience of their website users. Factors like website navigation were costing them conversions. Overall the Show Your Logo website left a lot of opportunities for improvement that would keep users engaged on the page and ultimately lead to more sales.

Users typically decide whether a website is good or bad within the first few fractions of a second into the interaction. If the first impression is negative users are less likely to use, recommend or trust the site, the opposite also holds true.


Manufacturing Marketing Strategy and Custom Web Design To Solve SYL’s Problems

Our consistent approach to web design user experience would lead to improvements in the Show Your Logo website through custom web design, manufacturing SEO  strategy, and PPC Ads management (Google Ads).

Our goals were to improve:

  • User interface to encourage new user conversion
  • Reduced cognitive load on users
  • Lower bounce rates
  • Consistency across website content and CTAs
  • Drive conversion with a PPC campaign
Custom Web Design

Custom Web Design Optimized for User Experience

We began building a custom web design using WooCommerce that would improve site functionality and simplicity of use for our client. Our custom WordPress website developers created completely custom features like an importer tool that converts products from a client-supplied Excel spreadsheet into WooCommerce product types and converts each product to a dynamic page. This intuitive feature creates efficiencies that reduce the time the Show Your Logo team spends on updating inventory offerings. Our in-house web development team also created custom client portal pages for quick reference and reordering.

Our custom web design team also worked on the front end, building a search function that allowed advanced search filters so customers could more easily find the product(s) that interested them. We continued the user features improvement process with an additional quick quote feature that could be used from any of the single product pages. Another feature we included in the new Show Your Logo website was the ability for clients to upload their own artwork.

Improving the UI/UX of an E-Commerce Website

Next, our expert digital marketing experts used their knowledge of best practices to improve the overall user journey and website experience. Our team utilized engaging photos that easily catch the user’s attention and support the general stylistic concept of building a visual hierarchy. Product images on the website help convey how the finished results would look and help set customer expectations.

We continued to organize the site using images and collapsible navigation tools that reduced the amount of distracting content. This led users where they needed to go more quickly and directed them to paths that would result in action items.

As part of the user navigation, we implemented several clear Call To Action (CTA) buttons throughout the website. These actionable items included “Quick Quote,” and “Shop All Products” buttons that drive users to desired actions. We created internal consistency by using the same colors and style for CTAs throughout the website so users would quickly and easily discern them.

Implementing these CTAs and simplified user journeys greatly improved the overall website experience and functionality. Users could now find desired products and information with ease, keeping them on the site. By highlighting and leading users to desired actions they’d convert to customers more easily. These updates helped strengthen our integrated web strategy for Show Your Logo.


Implementing an SEO Strategy as Part of Our Manufacturing Marketing Services

To address page ranking and lack of SEO optimization our web marketing team researched keywords and phrases that would optimize the SYL website. Our SEO experts implemented keywords in meta tags and titles to improve the website page’s search engine rankings.

As our team improved the use of phrases in technical tags and website written copy, our team also implemented an SEO and content marketing strategy. This strategy included creating monthly SEO-focused content to improve search engine rankings for specific keywords and attract more website traffic.

As a result of our website improvements and SEO strategy efforts, the SYL website saw a 36% increase in new website visitors the following year.

Monthly Content as part of our SEO Manufacturing Plan

In addition to the website SEO improvements, our team was also commissioned to create monthly SEO content for our client to further improve their search engine rankings.

This SEO focused content can be location pages, additional web pages, case studies, or monthly blog content.

The variety in our SEO content options allows us to be more responsive to Show Your Logo’s needs. The monthly content focuses on specific valuable SEO phrases and opportunities that our continuous SEO research uncovers.

Monthly SEO content will improve the rankings for these phrases over time and drives even more traffic to the Show Your Logo website.

Google Ads

PPC Ad Management of the Clients Google Ads Campaign

We also worked on creating a Google Ads campaign that would also drive traffic to specific pages for SYL. As part of our PPC ad management services, our team reviewed the keywords and bidding strategy to determine the most valuable keywords for Google PPC ads.

We organized the campaigns into specific product groups so that each of the Google PPC ads would target the most relevant keywords and reach targeted audiences. Our team also improved other key factors within the ad setup to optimize the Google Ads quality score.

With ongoing PPC ad management and optimization, we built better campaigns that would drive more traffic to the website through clicks, and also increase conversions. Within the first year, our top campaigns saw drastic improvements in factors such as CTR and Clicks. Overall Google PPC ad clicks increased by 206% in the year following our adjustments.


Build Brand Presence & Amplifying SEO Opportunities Through Custom Web Design

Brickfrom sought Idea Marketing Group to help them reach their goal of building trust by improving training and product knowledge for contractors, distributors, architects, and homeowners. They wanted to retain their leading position in the concrete industry.

Our custom web design team met with Brickfrom to discuss their goals and aspirations for their custom web design. It’s important to Idea that we thoroughly discuss our client’s needs. In doing this we ensure our team understands the scope of the client’s issues and what would be key to the project’s success.

We gained a better understanding of Brickform’s custom web design needs through our insightful meetings. Not only does gaining a greater understanding of our client’s problems and future plans help offer solutions, but the integrated web strategy solutions become more meaningful and specific. Understanding their long-term business goals allows our team to construct projects that will function as the base foundation for future projects and expansions.

The Brickfrom team explained to us they desired a custom manufacturing website that would embody their brand while providing important tools and information to their typical prospects. Previously, their products were located on a shared website and they wanted a stand-alone website to represent them. The new custom website would improve its user experience, build its brand presence, and leverage its organic SEO to improve its rankings. Doing this would build trust between Brickfrom and its contractors and distributors.

As with all Idea Marketing Group clients, we developed a comprehensive strategy based on deep client research, competitor insights, and industry analysis. We knew that our expert team could deliver the results Brickform desperately needed. Our team laid out our project plan to address their online brand presence, SEO opportunities, and user experience.


A Custom WordPress Website to Solve Brickform’s Problems

A new custom web design would help attract more contractors to the site to help educate and train. In addition, the custom WordPress website would maintain the loyalty of distributors by giving them a sales tool for product resources, and lastly will provide homeowners and architects with a resource for renovation ideas.

Our team pitched the new website and explained how it would solve each of the issues facing Brickform, while also decreasing page load speeds and improving their ease of website management. Overall this project would deliver a website that worked as an asset for the Brickform brand.


Custom Web Design

Custom Web Design Increases Brand Presence, Leverages SEO Opportunities, and Optimizes User Experience

We began with analyzing Brickfrom’s current customer journey and evaluating its user experience performance. Our custom web design team analyzed the site and cleaned up the website functions to improve site responsiveness with a focus on mobile views. We ensured the Brickform website would rank high in the areas of search engine evaluation to improve overall ranking and give them an edge over competitors. As leaders in the manufacturing web design industry, we knew the importance of leveraging their search engine opportunities to increase their market share, organic search, and relations and sales.

As part of the new custom web design our team needed to implement unique features to meet our client’s goals. Our dev team organized and updated the technical documents to improve the ease of access for their customers. Now, customers can quickly find the information they are searching for with ease. Overall the new custom WordPress website offers the functionality Brickform needs to improve its user experience.

Idea optimized Brickfroms distributor locations page by building a distributor locator map to help clients find Brickform products in their area. The distributor location solution helps maintains the existing loyalty of distributors by giving them a sales tool for product resources. This optimized solution solves Brickfrom’s existing website issue of needing clean and clear navigational points throughout their customer journey. Now website users will experience quick access to technical information, increasing the trust between Brickfrom and its prospective customers.

On the website itself, we began including relevant content on training and product knowledge by creating a solid resource library with lead generation tools. This content library allowed our client to educate their audience and showcase their unique products and quality. Now website users can learn cutting-edge decorative concrete techniques from technical experts, former contractors, and professional trainers with decades of experience. This new content not only provides on-site engagement but can be pushed or featured on additional sites that drive both SEO and additional web traffic.

Idea Marketing Group also recommended that Brickfrom showcase how-to videos to help educate their users. Implementing the training videos helps educate mostly homeowners but also provides insights to architects and contractors. In addition, contractors can now use the site as a quick educational resource while on the job or training new employees. Videos are vital for training, without them Brickfrom had a lack of specific resources which was deterring the user.


A Concrete Manufacturing SEO Strategy

As part of the new custom WordPress website, our team leveraged improved SEO as part of an integrated web strategy. SEO can be broadly divided into two categories: technical and non-technical.

Technical SEO refers to the process of optimizing a website’s backend infrastructure to improve its search engine visibility. This is a vital part of website optimization because it helps search engines crawl and index a website’s pages more effectively. In other words, technical SEO ensures that search engines can easily access and understand a website’s content, which can help boost its search engine rankings.

By using expert technical SEO on the Brickform website we are able to improve its search engine rankings, which can increase the chances of potential customers finding the website. Higher search engine rankings can lead to more organic traffic, which can lead to higher conversions and revenue. We understand that technical SEO is incredibly important for new web designs as it can ensure that the website is built on a solid foundation that will result in higher search engine rankings and attract organic traffic.

SEO is not just limited to technical optimization, it is equally as important to optimize website copy and content for search engines. SEO copywriting involves creating website content that is optimized for specific keywords and phrases that people search for on search engines. The goal of SEO copywriting is to create content that not only appeals to readers but also ranks well on search engines.

By including relevant keywords and phrases in the Brickform website copy and content we help improve each website page’s search engine rankings, making it more visible to their target audience. Our comprehensive SEO strategy includes both technical optimization and SEO copywriting that help clients like Brickform achieve their website and marketing goals and reach a larger target audience.

Website Support

Continued Website Support After Custom Manufacturing Web Design

Our team of experts was able to create a custom manufacturing web design for Brickfrom that boosted their brand presence, user experience, and amplified the SEO opportunities they wanted. The new site was better organized and created a direct user journey that was simple to navigate. Site visitors could now easily find the technical information they were interested in and through the implementation of effective CTAs and multiple click points for vital pages, which drove a better user journey for concrete systems.

With the new custom web design, more distributors, contractors, and homeowners would discover the Brickform site, spend longer engaging with the content, and a higher rate would convert to leads. Today Brickfrom site users spend an average engagement time of two and a half minutes. Brickfrom continues to rely on the Idea Marketing group for website support in add-ons and updates for their custom WordPress website.

When the project was completed our work didn’t stop there. We take the time to train our clients on obtaining the most value from their new site by educating them on how to use it to its full potential. If Brickfrom needs additional website support or maintenance the experts on our team are always available. All of Idea’s clients have direct access to our exceptional customer support manager Haley Langer. When Haley is not addressing our client’s needs she works diligently to review the site, offer suggestions and create add-ons and updates to help Brickfrom stay the leader in the decorative concrete industry.


Healthcare Manufacturing Web Design To Utilize UI/UX and SEO Best Practices

At the beginning of every new project, our team of top web developers and experienced marketers sit down with our clients to discuss the full scope of the project at hand. This includes the goals, pain points, and project objectives, but also allows us to fully understand our client and their business.

With a better understanding of our client’s business and long-term strategy, we can offer solutions that are more meaningful and that will integrate into future plans and projects by the client. Our team builds a strong foundation for the client’s future business strategies.

We started by analyzing Gilero’s website’s current issues and the correlation to its business performance. Our client reported that their current site did not accurately represent their manufacturing capabilities and the Medtech innovative products they provided to their clients. For the redesign, they were looking for a site that looked and felt more modern and would provide them with more qualified organic leads.

Essentially, the goal of this redesign was to create a manufacturing website that represented Gilero as the industry leader they are. Their new site needed to showcase all the available capabilities they offered, improve their user’s journey, and optimize their content for SEO best practices. With the vast amount of information and site content, it would be all too easy to overload customers with irrelevant or unnecessary information. It was essential to Gilero that users could access examples of their work, and express what sets them apart from their competitors.


A Custom Website to Address UI/UX Issues and Highlight Specialties

Your website is your customer’s first experience with your business, it’s a great place to answer their questions, showcase call to action, and guide them to a conversion. Gilero’s UI & UX did not reflect them as the trusted Medtech partner they are.

To optimize their website the UI/UX would need a complete overhaul to meet best practices and improve the overall user experience. The changes would need to address the user journey issues, an overly complicated user journey was preventing conversions and increasing bounce. Our new custom WordPress website would need a clean, clear user flow.

Custom elements that were not present on the new website would also need to be built by our expert Chicago web design team. These unique elements would help our client achieve the goal of standing out from its competitors.

Custom Web Design

Custom Manufacturing Web Design Tailored Toward Business Goals

Our manufacturing web design experts began analyzing Gilero’s current website to determine what users were experiencing. From this Idea defined a process and developed a workflow through wireframes. After this, we built a structure and designed a layout for a functional prototype. Idea then conducted A/B & application testing to determine which layout was the most optimized for their customers. This optimized wireframe is what you see today in manufacturing web design.

We revamped Gilero’s customer journey to make it as direct and simple as possible. With the new site organization users are always within a few clicks of finding the information relevant to their search. Through this improvement in organization, we prevent the cognitive load from being too high on Gilero’s users. This in turn reduces the bounce, or exit rate, of site visitors which ultimately improves the website page ranking evaluation by search engines.

Idea is able to perform these UX & UI changes by continually leveraging key website marketing tools. We monitor our changes with heat mapping software to verify that our efforts are producing the intended results, and improving the user flow and experience.

One of the other main points the Gilero team discussed was the desire to stand out from their various competitors by creating a website with unique elements that helped establish themselves as an industry leader.

One of the key special features of this custom manufacturing web design was the interactive body graph, which is a unique design for Gilero. The DaVinci style man featured interactive elements that users could click on to learn more about Gilero’s capabilities and services. The interactive feature was unique to Gilero and would drive user engagement. This feature helps accomplish the goal of distinguishing them from their current competition.


Leveraging SEO to Improve the Custom WordPress Website

We then began with analyzing Gilero’s current marketing strategies and evaluating its page performance. Our top marketing professionals researched the keywords to maximize SEO in their manufacturing industry and improve search engine results ranking. We inserted these researched terms across the website content and other key focus areas that search engines evaluate, like Headings and Metatags.

When Gilero came to Idea they wanted a custom manufacturing website that showcased their confidence in providing prospective customers with the innovative manufacturing capabilities they have to offer. Part of Idea’s SEO optimization strategy is creating interactive touch points and effective CTAs. The use of these CTA’s and contact forms encourages users to explore content Gilero wanted to highlight and drive user lead conversion. This help creates more qualified leads and takes the load off of the Gilero Sales team. The optimized content on Gilero’s custom manufacturing website build shortens Gileros’ sales cycle by providing more information in a streamlined and organized way.

The Gilero team sought a custom WordPress website with a backend that was simplified so any edits to their site could be made faster and easier. Our backend development team worked to simplify the site’s backend control. With an updated backend Gilero would be able to manage its custom manufacturing website and make adjustments as needed.

Website Support

Providing Manufacturing Website Support

Our team of experts was able to create a website that functioned as the optimized custom manufacturing website Gilero wanted. With a cutting-edge modern feel that reflected the quality and innovation of their manufacturing capabilities. Now Gilero’s custom manufacturing website showcases the expertise, process, and capabilities they have.

The new site created an optimal direct user journey that was simple to navigate. Site visitors could now easily find the information they were interested in such as the special featured interactive body graph, Gileros capabilities, and their experience. Traffic would also receive a boost as the new site was built to be SEO optimized. With the new website design, more potential leads would be generated due to the expansion and efficiency of the Gilero website.

As part of this custom manufacturing web design project, we worked with the Gilero team to educate them on using the website now that the pages are optimized for easy updates and edits. With the self-service functionality, Gilero will be more firmly in control of its website and when they need assistance or experience issues it now has a team of experts it can rely on for ongoing manufacturing website support and maintenance.

Idea Marketing Group has been designing custom manufacturing websites for over a decade. Some of the websites we’ve gotten our hands on reach millions of users every month. Our proven process for custom manufacturing websites looks into every detail of a build while also keeping in mind how the site will continue to evolve. Our custom web design is always created specifically for your business and is built to rank higher and generate more leads. Our web designers, developers, and content writers turn websites into strategic, customer experiences.

Idea Marketing Group

Free Website Redesign Checklist

Are you preparing for an upcoming website redesign? Maybe this is not your first rodeo or this will be your first website project. No matter your experience level, this checklist will help you prepare for your new website.

Website Redesign Planner

What we can do for you with our B2B web design services

Custom WordPress Builds

We build it. You own it. With solid web development, you get a website you can access and control anytime you want. For consumer goods and industrial companies with staff in place, we also provide WordPress training, so you are empowered to make updates on your terms.

Track measurable results

We build Google Analytics into the back end of every website we design. This allows us and each of our clients, to better understand what content is working, what’s not, and why. That way, we can make informed decisions based on objective data.

Quickly + simply access your MSDS

We can track IP addresses and limit competitors from searching your site by requiring a unique email address for each visitor. This way, your data stays out of the wrong hands.

Easily update specification tables

Quickly and easily add as many rows or columns as you need throughout the year with our simple drag and drop spec tables. We develop them to be user-friendly for non-technical clients who want to make basic changes without needing ongoing help from an expert.

Provide interactive product catalogs

An interactive and comprehensive product catalog can provide potential customers with detailed specifications, prices, dimensions, and customizable features. The catalogs are converted into a lead generation tool for your company.

Work with distributors

If your industrial products are sold throughout the country or around the world, an interactive map can help potential customers locate distributors who carry a well-stocked inventory and have the product knowledge necessary to help answer any questions. These maps can be quickly edited to stay up-to-date all year.

They took complicated content and created an attractive solution that looks professional and functions very well for our audiences.

‐ American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology - Chicago Healthcare Organization
ABPN Website Testimonial

Everyone at Idea Marketing is very receptive and easy to work with. We always felt like our ideas and feedback were valued and welcomed.

‐ US Glove - Sports Gear Manufacturer
US Glove Web Design Testimonial

Every other agency was telling us what we needed instead of listening to what we wanted. We all felt like you really heard us.

‐ Superior Beverage - Chicago Beverage Distributor
Superior Beverage Website Design Testimonial

My organization worked with Idea Marketing to build a new website that better showcases who we are… We are happy and satisfied customers.

‐ The Grove, Inc. - Chicago Hospitality Group
The Grove Web Design Testimonial
Idea Marketing Group

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FAQ About B2B Web Design Projects

Do you have experience in our industry?

Most likely. Since 2009, we’ve built hundreds of websites within various industries. No matter the company, we invest the time to learn your story, your challenges, and your goals to provide recommendations to maximize your marketing ROI. We do know web design inside and out as well as user behavior. Pair those together and we get results, no matter the industry.

We build custom websites paired with digital marketing strategies to grow your customer base and improve inbound lead generation.

How much does a website cost?

This is a loaded question that requires a bit of a loaded answer. Websites today are complex marketing tools that require a team of specialists:

  • Project Manager
  • Account Strategist
  • Designers
  • Front-end Developers
  • Back-end Developers
  • Content Writers
  • SEO Specialists

Similar to building a home, it first requires a plan to ensure every detail is covered. We like to call it a website roadmap.

We approach every website build in phases. The first phase is a deep interview of your company with pertinent members of your team to answer key questions to help uncover pain points, understand your goals, identify opportunities, as well as analyze the companies you are up against.

Next, we take the recommendations and knowledge gained during the first phase to craft a well-defined strategy for the custom website build. This includes the website architecture, target user personas, user journeys, brand messaging/voice, and SEO strategy which allows us to more accurately define a scope of work for the remainder of the build following the roadmap.

We will have a detailed plan as to what will be needed to build a website that not only meets your current needs but also provides a system to grow and scale helping to land your next big sales opportunities.

With all of that being said, our custom websites start at $30,000. You will not find any cookie-cutter templates here and all work is done in-house by our full-time employees.

How much to spend on marketing?

Setting an annual marketing budget can be a challenge and there are many factors to take into consideration. A quick way to generate a rough figure is to base it on the annual revenue of the company. An average percentage for B2B ranges from 6% to 12% of gross revenue as recommended by eMarketer’s Marketing Spending, assuming the sales margins are in the range of 10% to 12%. If we use these rates, below are quick examples of recommended marketing budgets:

Gross Revenue $2,500,000 x 0.12 = $300,000/year or $25,000/month

Gross Revenue $5,000,000 x 0.10 = $500,000/year or $41,650/month

Gross Revenue $10,000,000 x 0.08 = $800,000/year or $66,665/month

Gross Revenue $25,000,000 x 0.06 = $1,500,000/year or $125,000/month

These are considered conservative numbers, as companies who are in aggressive growth stages will often spend up to 20% of their revenue on marketing as well as B2C, which is typically higher than B2B. Companies that are just starting out will need to set a higher percentage than those that are more established. Measuring the success of any marketing campaign is critical. Budgets should be spent wisely and spread out to cover various types of advertising.

What is recommended for marketing budget allocation?

Gartner CMO Spend Survey released an in-depth look at marketing budget allocation for 2021, below are the findings. It is important to be aware that marketing spending is impacted by the general nature of the business, competition, and consumer behavior.

Owned Media20%Website, Email, Mobile
Paid Digital21%Search Ads, Display Ads
Earned Digital22%SEO, Social Media
Offline Ads10%Publications, Direct Mail
Affiliates9%Partners, Distributors
Events8%Trade Shows

Another quick rule of thumb for marketing budget allocation is the 70-20-10 rule.

  • 70% of your budget is allocated toward marketing strategies you know work well
  • 20% of your budget is allocated toward new strategies aimed at helping you grow
  • 10% of your budget is allocated toward experimental strategies

What is the average timeframe to build a website?

Our proven process has been continuously improved over many years of collaboration and best practices requiring each phase to be completed and approved before starting the next. We will schedule bi-weekly calls and ensure we’re on track with the project build.

Typically, the website timeframe from start to finish is about 5-7 months. The following are the stages that follow our website build:

Website Advisory Plan> Team Strategy Meeting> Define Goal KPIs> Uncover Pain Points> Website Recommendations + Solutions> Competitive SWOT Analysis10 Business Days
Branding + Content Strategy> Website Architecture> Target User Persona(s)> User Journeys> Brand Messaging / Voice> Keyphrase SEO Strategy> Define Scope of Work for the Website Build~1 Month
Website Build> Content> User Interface Designs> Frontend Website Development> Backend WordPress Development
> Launch and Final Testing
~3 – 6 Months
Included WordPress Training
> One-on-one or group training> WordPress training guide
> Typically plan for 60-90 minutes
After Launch

Founded in 2009. Idea Marketing Group is a top Chicago web design agency that works intimately with consumer brands and manufacturers to help build, maintain, and market websites. See the award-winning work or a specific service like manufacturing web design.