A Barn Building Materials Expert

Burrow’s is one of the leading suppliers of pole barn materials in the Oklahoma region, including their famous post-frame kits.

Idea Case Study Burrows
140% Increase of Traffic Within 3 Months of the Website Redesign
98 Score Website Performance on Google
129% Increase Website Pageviews Post-Launch

A Lack of Custom Web Design and Integrated Web Strategy

As a leader in pole barn supplies and materials, Burrow’s needed a website reflecting that. A quality building supplier that needed a quality website. However, when they approached our Chicago web design team that was far from the case!

The previous Burrow’s website was outdated and was not built to drive engagement as well as it could. Slow load speeds and poor user navigation were leading to high bounce rates and diminishing conversion. The UI/UX did not help build trust within their target audience since it lacked best practices. Their SEO strategy was also severely lacking and would need major improvements if the brand wanted to rank for their important keywords.

Overall the website needed a complete redesign that would give the brand a modern look and feel, improve user flows, drive lead submissions, and improve the page load speeds.

In addition, the website would need a completed SEO strategy as part of the integrated web strategy. Building the SEO would be an intensive process since the previous website did not have any focus on SEO.


An Improved Building Materials Website from the Leading Chicago Web Design Team

Our team began by proposing a custom WordPress website featuring a custom web design that would speak directly to their target audience and solve any user experience issues. The new website would also make management of their website easier. With the new website, Burrow’s management team could easily make additions or changes as needed, without fear of breaking the website or hurting page load speeds.

With the simplification of the website backend, our team also updated plugins and removed any broken or outdated functionality. This helped improve website page load speeds and functionality, meaning users wouldn’t have any issues using the website. Both of these are significant factors in website bounce rates.

Our team also created a more modern, simplified UI/UX design that improved the user experience. Now users would be able to easily find information on the new website. Site content was organized in the menu headers and clear CTAs encouraged users to convert to leads.

The new user journey would help drive more conversion and reduce the number of users who left the website in frustration.


Building an Integrated Web Strategy With SEO

After our team of custom web design experts had finished building the custom WordPress website we focused on the client’s SEO. First, our team of SEO experts researched the keywords and phrases that would be most relevant to their industry. We then identified keyword opportunities using our advanced SEO software. These keywords were valuable SEO opportunities.

With these keywords, we began using them across the website content. The inclusion of keywords in the content would be recognized by search engines and signal that it was valuable content. The ranking of these phrases would improve over time. Across the website’s core pages, we focused on specific keywords and phrases to make sure that the website was able to rank for numerous keywords.

From a technical perspective, our SEO experts made sure that the keywords were being used correctly in the website backend. The technical parts of SEO include meta titles and descriptions, alt tags, and permalinks. With the technical SEO done correctly, the website would see improvement in its ranking.

Monthly SEO Content Marketing to Further Improve Website Ranking

To build on the SEO improvements we made across the website we also suggested a monthly SEO and content marketing strategy. Our content marketing strategy includes SEO-focused content written by our digital marketing experts to build specific keyword rankings.

Our SEO and content marketing plan included specific location pages to reach target areas and SEO blog content. These would help drive more local and target traffic to the new website.

Our use of the new location pages would generate more local user traffic for Burrows. The local search engine users would be more likely to find the targeted location pages and click. Once the user arrives on the website our content helps build trust and CTAs encourage further action. Often, SEO content is the entry point for users to your website.

SEO blog content was also a critical part of Burrow’s SEO strategy. SEO-focused blogs are used to build content around a limited number of specific keywords and phrases. Numerous content pieces on the subject help build the authority of the website on the subject, and the use of an internal linking strategy can drive more traffic across the site. As we repeat the use of these phrases in related content the content pieces would start to rank higher in search results.

Our SEO blog content targeted phrases like “Post-frame kits”, or “Plyco Doors” to capture related search traffic that would be valuable to Burrows. Aside from generating more traffic and higher search engine ranking, they can also build trust among Burrow’s target audience. With the website SEO strategy and content marketing, we created an integrated web strategy that would build the website’s authority and capture more search traffic.

Email Marketing

Growing a Larger Audience With Monthly Email Campaigns

In addition to our monthly SEO and content marketing plan, our team also provided our client with a monthly email marketing retainer.

As part of this retainer, our team cultivated and grew a monthly subscriber list from the form submissions on the website. With this list of interested subscribers, our team would then send out a monthly email that focused on a unique service or product from Burrow’s to help drive engagement and leverage conversion. By keeping in constant contact with their target audience we created a nurture campaign that would squeeze out more conversions from previously interested users.

We continue to grow the audience and test email variations to discover the most engaging content for our email marketing campaigns.

Analytics Analysis

Providing Website Analytics Analysis for Our Client

Each month our team of digital marketing experts shares an in-depth report on the Asbestos Project Management’s website performance. In this report, we share valuable insights that help APM better understand their business pulse.

These insights can help APM identify new business opportunities or potential threats that could affect performance. Our marketing team breaks this information down into easily understandable takeaways that our client can use to determine action.

Idea Case Study Gallery Burrows

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Founded in 2009. Idea Marketing Group is a top Chicago web design agency that works intimately with consumer brands and manufacturers to help build, maintain, and market websites. See the award-winning work or a specific service like manufacturing web design.